Fact vs Fiction: The 5 KPIs That Really Matter | BluSynergy

Fact vs Fiction: The 5 KPIs That Really Matter

Fact vs Fiction: The 5 KPIs That Really Matter


A KPI is a Key Performance Indicator. Note the word, key in this phrase, however. Companies regularly give their managers ten, twenty and sometimes even thirty or more KPIs by which they will be judged. How on earth can that number of things be key?

What are the Most Important KPIs of Customer Service?


Its a question worth asking since, if anything is guaranteed to kill a managers attention, its being asked to stay on top of too many metrics at the same time. What managers need is a few vital metrics that will really make the difference between success and failure.

Here are the 5 best important KPIs do Companies Use:

Recurring Revenue


Not revenue. Recurring revenue. Revenue that comes back that you collected this month, youll collect next month and youll go on collecting every month for the foreseeable future. Its great to receive a huge one-off payment (and of course youre probably not going to turn it down), but the cash flow that will build your business and let it survive doesnt come from one-offs it comes from payments you collect month after month. Payments you can rely on.

We list this first since its number one on our list of KPIs. Recurring revenue using agile billing  the single most important metric in your business. If you track nothing else, please track this.

Customer Churn


Just as the secret to long-term success is recurring revenue, the key to boost profits by recurring revenue is having customers that dont leave. You need to monitor how many customers leave each month the churn so that you can see how successful you are retaining your existing customer base. If the number leaving is in any way significant, you need to find out why what they dont like about your service or what the competition offers that they like more so that you can fix it. Fast. Otherwise, your business faces a rather dismal future.

How do you find out why customers leave?Ask them!

In just about every business, it costs more to recruit a new customer than it does to hold onto an existing one. So, if someone wants to go, you need to find out why. And if people are staying find out the reason for that, too. Measuring customer churn is the starting point to finding out whats good about your offer and what needs to be fixed.

Cost Of Customer Acquisition


Theres a very, VERY simple way to calculate this cost: tally all your marketing and selling expenses and divide the result by the number of customers. Its more useful if you do this month by month so that you know how much it cost you to win each new customer and whether the cost is increasing, decreasing or staying the same. If you find that each month youre spending more to gain a new customer than you will receive from that customer, you need to do something about it before your bank manager does something about you.

A version of this KPI applies when you consider a stand-alone marketing campaign. Make sure you cost every single facet of the campaign and compare that total with the number of accounts won. Then youll know whether its worth running the same campaign again.

Growth in Revenue Per Customer


An increase in revenue by implementing innovative strategies per customer is easy enough to track, and so is total revenue, but what this KPI is really telling you is about how successful you are in cross-selling and up-selling. If you only have one product and it only comes in one flavor, these are things you obviously wont be able to do but a good offer should always include a range of products and various levels Entry Level, Standard Level, Premium Level, etc. The name of the game here is to get customers to work their way up the ladder to Premium Level. Measuring growth in revenue per customer will tell you how successfully you are at doing that.

Customer Lifetime Value

The lifetime value of a customer is the total revenue you expect to receive from an average customer during the time that customer remains with you. By now, you should know what the average length of a subscription is, as well as the average monthly revenue per customer. Multiply one by the other for the most simple lifetime value figure. While there are other things you might want to introduce over time, this is a good place to start.

Read more about Increasing the Potential for Exceptional Customer Relationships